Sporty Court App

A sports media platform

Sporty Court App

The Project

Sporty Court is a sports media platform aimed at enhancing sports IQ among its users. The platform allows users to consume sports media while learning about sports history and engage in its controversies.

The Challenge

Our primary challenge was to develop a platform that was both intuitive and engaging for a diverse user base, ranging from casual sports fans to seasoned experts. The platform needed to facilitate sports-related debates, allow for user opinions, and have a unique feature - the "", “Sports IQ” which would track and display users' sports knowledge and engagement.

Key challenges included:

  • Designing a user-friendly interface suitable for all technical skill levels.
  • Creating an algorithm to accurately calculate and display the "Sports IQ" score.
  • Ensuring seamless user registration and profile management.
  • Integrating social media functionalities for enhanced user interaction.
Sporty Court App

The Strategy: Double Diamond

Our approach involved:

  • Conducting generative research to understand the needs and preferences of sports enthusiasts.
  • Developing a clear and intuitive user interface design.
  • Implementing robust user authentication and profile management features.
  • Creating an algorithm for the "Sports IQ" score that accurately reflects user engagement and knowledge.

The Solution

SportyCourt was developed with the following features:

  • User Authentication: Easy and secure login options using email/password or social media accounts.
  • Topic Feed: A dynamic feed of sports-related debates, categorized for ease of navigation.
  • Opinion Sharing: Functionality for users to vote and share discussions.
  • Sports Acumen: A unique scoring system to gauge and display users' sports knowledge.
Sporty Court App

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